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Welcome to the 3D-Castle! Why not do a journey to the 17th century, 3DStudio MAX rendered 3D-Castle, and accidentally learn a few art facts? You can navigate and click almost everything you see for a closer animated view of the objects and read interesting facts about the art. Check out this 1.7MB wmv animation for a quick preview.
A new PhotoGallery is under construction and to see what kind of pictures you'll find there Click Here. New pictures from 2006 year swedish airshow in the photos section!

Now 3D-Castle is offering FREE download of most of the models found in the rooms, click desired object and look for the DOWNLOAD link to receive the 3d-model complete with maps lighting and animation keys, in only seconds. If you like them a donation to charity is apreciated, check out the redcross banner.
With increasing environmental threat, famine, poverty and everlasting war conflicts these organizations need every contribution they can get. Your help is important!

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